Scenerio: Our Admin Server and 1 Managed server has been perfectly running from last 1 month and now when I tried to start managed server 2 on another machine it shows below error
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28001: the password has expired
I noticed that When I tried to connect agile user from sql developer it shows that user is expired.
Final I reached at conclusion that agile user default profile was configured with 180 days.
Solution : login in database using sys and update the same password again for user agile.
Preventive action :alter profile default limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME unlimited;
If we need to change the password then we need to configure new agile password in application again. There is a separate action plan for this.
I noticed that When I tried to connect agile user from sql developer it shows that user is expired.
Final I reached at conclusion that agile user default profile was configured with 180 days.
Solution : login in database using sys and update the same password again for user agile.
Preventive action :alter profile default limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME unlimited;
If we need to change the password then we need to configure new agile password in application again. There is a separate action plan for this.